“There is nothing to avoid, nothing to escape, nothing to fear. There is just off-on, in-out, start-stop, light-dark, flash-delay. Death, void, oblivion is the split-second pause. I accept the off. It is of interest that the heroin addict and the Illuminated Buddha end up at the same place. The void. The junkie is a deeply religious person. The alcoholic is too. Thus our physicians and psychiatrists have no luck in “curing” addicts. If you see an addict as a social misfit, a civic nuisance who must be rehabilitated you completely miss the point. To cure the junkie and the alcoholic, you must humbly accept that s/he is a more deeply spiritual person than you, and you accept the cosmic validity of his search to transcend the game, and you help him see that blackout drugs are just bad game because you can’t just keep holding the off switch…”
– The Politics of Ecstasy – Timothy Leary
Concept: Agus Tekel (Käink Korvo) & Manchas de Tinta
Performers: Giss – Eretic – Agus – Erika
Appearing: Polo – Diego
Music: Venetian Snares
Filmaker & Editor: Tea Guarascio
TATTOU CIRCUS 2014 – Barcelona